CBD Topical

CBD has been known to do a whole load of things and it seems like the list only seems to expand every other day. With the legalization of the lifesaving drug, the immense sea of opportunities seems to stretching to the skies now. With continuous research we are learning more than ever about CBD and it is only a matter of time that we are able to completely unlock its potential.

Of all the ways that CBD can be used, be it as CBD oil, CBD vapes, CBD bath bombs and CBD moisturizers and shampoos, our focus is on CBD topicals. More specifically how it can be used to treat and control the effects of headache and severe head splitting migraines.

The topical varieties that you have access to include the likes of CBD cream, CBD salve, CBD lotion and CBD balms, apart from a whole another line of cosmetic CBD topical to add.

CBD And Headaches

The instruction to use CBD salves and CBD balms for headaches is quite simple: take a generous amount of the balm and simply apply it at the temples and the middle of the forehead. You are done. The rest is for CBD to work on!

The way CBD works is not to only quell the symptoms but more so to attack the root of the problem. In most cases, headaches can result due to stress, panic or a feeling of anxiety. This builds up and goes right to your head in the form of headaches. Even if you have gone hungry for a long time, or are severely tired and sleep deprived you can fall victim to headaches.

Once applied, the CBD penetrates into the transdermal levels of the skin and begins to act on the nerve bundles. Nerve impulses are brought to a grinding halt by numbing it down. This starts the effects of pain management and helps regulate the immune system to control any inflammation.

The nerves on the epidermis are linked to a unique system called the endocannabinoid system or the ECS. The ECS is further linked to the workings of the immune system and also help in enhancing the production of stress relieving hormones such as serotonin and anandamide.

If the migraines are getting out of control it is advised to try a vape pen for a quick stress relieving. CBD balms and CBD salve will ensure that you get a steady dose of CBD in your system for a prolonged time.