Cannabidiol CBD

Several residents of the US get diagnosed with skin cancer every year. The treatments for it include surgical removal of the cancerous tissue, chemotherapy, radiation, and in some cases, a combination of these methods. In recent years, research into the therapeutic effects of hemp-derived cannabinoid cannabidiol CBD has revealed that it might be useful for treating the symptoms of skin cancer. This article aims at investigating the usefulness of CBD oil in treating skin cancer.

Using CBD For Skin Cancer

Studies have shown that cannabinoids like CBD can inhibit the development of cyst cells in the prostate, lymphomas, lung, breast, epidermis, and pancreatic cancers. The potential CBD cancer uses is because it positively stimulates the functioning of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is mainly achieved by triggering the ECS receptors CB1 and CB2, and they are found throughout the body. Additionally, being the largest organ in the body, the skin has several receptors on its surface.

Cannabidiol (CBD) products are available in different forms and this is one of the main reasons for their popularity. Some people cover round the malignant spot(s) with CBD oil bandages. It is alleged that this causes the spots to disappear after repeating a few times. That said, only a few studies are available about the effectiveness of cannabidiol for treating skin cancer, and most of the evidence is anecdotal.

Studies On The Effectiveness Of CBD For Skin Cancer

A study from 2015 found that a combination of CBD and THC promoted autophagy of cancerous cells; the biological process of removing dysfunctional components. Remember that tumors grow because autophagy is deactivated in cancerous cells and tissues. This study concludes that the therapy using cannabinoids can help with activating autophagy and apoptosis or cell death. Likewise, a different study found that cannabidiol (CBD) triggers apoptosis in malignant melanoma cells. You must know that malignant melanoma cells cause skin cancer.

The Concerns About CBD Uses For Skin Cancer

Due to the lack of conclusive evidence about CBD cancer uses, more research is required for confirming the efficacy of cannabidiol for treating skin cancer. Also, there is the risk of adverse side-effects of cannabidiol interacting with other medications. This is especially true for medicines with grapefruit warnings. Also, overdosing on this cannabinoid causes side-effects like diarrhea, tiredness, and change in appetite.

So, cannabidiol (CBD) can be used as a complementary treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Above all, it is not a replacement for conventional skin cancer treatment.