CBD For Seizures

Like humans, cats may also suffer from seizures that will negatively affect their physical health. Treating seizures or any other health disorders in cats is difficult, but recent studies are showing that CBD, the cannabinoid compound derived from the cannabis plant could be beneficial for cats. Studies did show that CBD has the ability to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in humans. Some scientists believe that CBD could also provide the same benefits for cats.

Keep on reading this article to know more about the benefits of CBD for cats with seizures.

CBD For Seizures In Cats

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system to help cats with seizures. The ECS is a regulatory system that keeps many body functions in check, allowing you to stay healthy and balanced. CBD binds directly with the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 to produce its effects.

Epilepsy and neuroinflammation are thought to be closely linked by studies. CBD and CBDV, two antiepileptic cannabinoids found in hemp CBD oil. TRPV1, a pain receptor found in areas of the brain linked to epileptic activity, is affected by both of these compounds. It is believed that CBD and CBDV could inhibit TRPV1 in the hippocampus and prevent epileptic seizures, based on existing data. Furthermore, a recent rat study found that synthetic forms of CBD can be used to manage seizures, reducing the severity and frequency of epileptic episodes.

What Do The Studies Say?

CBD oil promotes normal healthy brain activity and supports normal nerve conduction and recollection, which helps in the maintenance of normal nervous system function. CBD possesses antiepileptic and anticonvulsant properties, according to a 2010 study.

CBD has a far more clearly delineated anticonvulsant profile in animals, according to a study conducted in 2017. The role of CBD in normalizing brain rhythms in rats with Angelman syndrome was demonstrated by a team of researchers in 2019. In cats with epilepsy, CBD may act similarly in managing seizures.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right CBD product is very essential for managing seizures or any other condition. Make sure that the CBD product you choose is THC-free. Do not buy any CBD pet product that is not from a reputed CBD company. Also, make sure to check the certificate of analysis before buying any CBD product.