The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil have shown promising effects in the treatment of asthma symptoms. The studies done in clinical settings, with a focus on reducing inflammation in the airways, have shown future prospects in treating and managing various asthma related symptoms.
Symptom Management Using CBD Oil
In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, the vitamin C and E content of CBD oil may have added benefits to the neurological system of those suffering from the detrimental effects of asthma. Since allergy induced asthma is caused mainly as a result of underlying inflammation of the patient’s airway, CBD oil can help reduce the incidence of the symptoms by treating the cause; in this case, the airway inflammation.
CBD oil can be consumed by swallowing the recommended dosage. The dose can be accurately measured using a dropper and administered orally using the same. The active beneficial compounds in CBD oil are then absorbed into the bloodstream, starting a slow but steady effect in reducing airway inflammation. Along with helping manage the symptoms of asthma, CBD oil has the added advantage of contributing to the overall good health of the patients, which in turn would help them recover fast and stay active.
Deciding The Appropriate Dosage
The exact dosage of CBD that may be effective in treating and managing the symptoms of the disease may vary from one individual to another. The dosage depends primarily on factors such as your body weight and the type of product being used. After an initial period of continued usage, your doctor may have to adjust the CBD dosage based on how well you have responded to the current dosage.
The concerns about the safety of CBD oil usage for alleviating asthma symptoms are often dismissed by the lack of addictive or psychoactive properties of CBD in users. Research has shown a dosage as high as 1500 milligrams per day is deemed safe for usage in humans with an average build, while the recommended therapy dosages typically do not exceed the range of 300mg to 500 mg per day.
Even with all the trials and patient testimonials pointing towards the effectiveness of the usage of CBD oil in the management of asthma, more clinical studies are necessary to validate the claims. Until then, CBD oil asthma therapy can be used under a registered medical practitioner’s guidance and monitoring to supplement the existing treatment plan.