Sexual enhancement products may pique people’s curiosity for a variety of reasons. Some may be looking for things that can assist relieve the symptoms of different uncomfortable health conditions, while others may be looking for ways to improve and extend enjoyment or to help set the mood.
As the studies on the therapeutic effects of CBD continue, some of the new evidence is showing that CBD is capable of helping in improving a person’s individual health. In this article, we will take a look at the different ways in which CBD helps in improving sexual health.
CBD For Dyspareunia
Painful sex can be a major issue for a variety of reasons, including Dyspareunia, a prevalent female ailment. Because discomfort can occur at various moments during and after intercourse, this disease can be a big barrier to having good sex for both people involved.
CBD also features that are beneficial while involved in sexual intercourse, in addition to relieving the pain that few people may experience during sex.
CBD For Endometriosis
Endometriosis affects between 2-10% of women in the United States, and it affects over 176 million women across the globe. When tissue that normally lines the uterus starts to grow outside of the uterus, this condition causes substantial pain. Endometriosis symptoms can have a significant impact on a woman’s sex life and sexual pleasure.
Although there is a lack of study in this area, early studies showed that CBD may be beneficial in the treatment of endometriosis-related pain. Furthermore, some women have stated that CBD Oil has helped them to manage their symptoms.
CBD For Erectile Dysfunction
Men have problems in the bedroom as well. The inability to create or sustain an erection during sexual intercourse is known as erectile dysfunction (ED). In the United States alone, it is believed that 30 million men suffer from ED.
This disorder has been extensively studied, with evidence indicating that ED can have serious psychological effects for those who are affected. While research into the use of cannabis for ED is still in its early stages, some practitioners have discovered that Cannabis sativa can help with ejaculatory function and sexual performance.
CBD For Anxiety
CBD has the ability to help people feel less anxious. From negative body image to the need to please, there are a variety of factors that might make us feel apprehensive before, during, and after sex. All of these emotions, which are frequent in both women and men, might cause a decrease in desire and drive.