The herpes simplex virus causes herpes (HSV). It results in the formation of sores or blisters in and around the genitals or your mouth, among other symptoms. Once contracted with HSV, the person will be infected for the rest of his life. Sometimes, the symptoms may never manifest in some people. Signs, if any, are symptomatic of the HSV type. Herpes is incurable, although treatments are available to help alleviate the symptoms and lower the chances of recurrence.
The Herpes Simplex 1 virus is thought to infect 66 % of the world population. Although there are a variety of home remedies and pharmaceutical medications available to treat herpes, they are not always efficient. If recent studies are to be believed, CBD’s medicinal effects could aid in the management of this ailment.
What Exactly Is CBD?
It was found that the cannabis plant contains hundreds of compounds called cannabinoids that offer several therapeutic effects. CBD is the most prominent cannabinoid compound that you will find in the cannabis plant after THC. Studies showed that CBD’s therapeutic properties make it an excellent treatment option for several health disorders. Nowadays, people use CBD to get relief from chronic pain, insomnia, skin problems, anxiety. Etc.
In this article, we will take a look at whether CBD is beneficial for herpes management.
CBD For Herpes
CBD has both anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which makes it an excellent choice for treating herpes. A herpes breakout generally happens when you have a cold or the flu, or when you are under a lot of stress. The virus contaminates the cells of the mucous membrane during an epidemic. Outbreaks in the mucosal regions of the genital region and mouth are caused by this.
The virus infection damages the cells, triggering a counter-attack by the WBC. This will be accompanied by inflammation, severe pain, and the formation of herpes blisters and sores. CBD maintains balance through interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the body. CBD’s antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties may be useful in reducing the inflammation caused by the virus.
How To Use CBD For Managing Herpes?
Topical CBD products such as CBD lotions and creams are often utilized by people to treat herpes. CBD oil, on the other hand, is the most consistent and efficient approach to utilize CBD for herpes. CBD oil has a higher potency than CBD creams. This is due to CBD oil’s ability to compress more molecules into a tiny amount, allowing it to eliminate herpes sores and the virus more quickly.